Monday, December 14, 2009

Not Me Monday


Monday already.  And just when we were getting into the weekend swing. 

You know what Mondays mean, though.  That's right, folks.  Mondays bring Not Me Mondays from MckMama.  A fun little carnival where we can confess some of our imperfections.

I normally have a pretty laid back life.  Getting the hubby up and off to work.  Get the big kids up and off to school and hanging out with K-diddy all day.  Oh yeah, a little bit of cleaning thrown in there, too.  This past week was a little busier with the holidays and all.  With that, you wouldn't think that a Momma would finally nag convince the old man to drag out the Christmas tree and decorations just to let it all sit in the middle of the living room floor all week long.  Nope, not me.  I never procrastinate and I always do everything in a timely manner. 

There's no way, with it being roughly two weeks after Thanksgiving and two weeks before Christmas, that I would have made a turkey dinner for my family for a little thing we're calling Thanksmas dinner.  No way.  I wouldn't have decided to make a 6+ course meal for my family of 5 to enjoy at our very own dinner table.  I could not have been so super proud of myself for successfully cooking my very first turkey.  I would not have told everyone I know! 

So that is just a snippet of what I did NOT do this past week.  I'm sure there's more, but I don't think to write things down and have my short term memory store in a peanut.  So if you would like to join in Not Me Monday, hop on over to MckMama's blog and get started.

1 comment:

CM said...

K-Diddy, now that's cute!

Thanksmas dinner, what a great idea!!!