I have been trying to make more time for sewing with very little luck, but I did sit down one day and make Kaitlan this skirt. I think I did a pretty darn good job considering I didn't use a pattern.
I have also made an apron for Sage and a dress for Kaitlan. I don't know what happened to the apron pics and I still haven't finished the dress. Let's just say that a zipper foot really is needed if you're installing a zipper! I found out the hard way and ended up with a broken needle. Now I just keep forgetting to buy the darn zipper foot every time I go to the store!
I hope to really start getting some stuff done and even teaching Sage how to sew. I had not sewn since high school previous to the apron I did, except for sewing patches on Raiden's Cub Scout uniform and Sean really did most of that. Yeah, Sean thinks he is some seamstress extraordinaire just because he used to work at "the cap factory" before we got together. He would sit at a machine, load up the threads, put the front of the cap (pre-assembly) and the machine would stitch up the design on the front of caps. I told him that wasn't really sewing, but he disagrees.
Anywho, I just wanted to share with you all how proud I am of myself. I hope I can get more done soon!

Wow, nice work and it's a super cute skirt! I keep saying that "someday" I want a sewing machine so I can make cool things...we'll see. :)
Very cute skirt. I have tons of fabric sitting in the closet just waiting for me to get a chance to do something with it.
Thanks for stopping by.
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