Sunday, August 15, 2010

Gone Fishin'

Today is the last full day of our little (much needed) vacation. We haven't been on a real vacation in about 5 years so this has been so nice!

On Thursday, we drove over to Possum Kingdom Lake to meet my dad and then my sister, Brandi and her family joined us on Friday.

This has been the best weekend we've had in a long time despite the sweltering heat!

Yesterday we rented a boat for four hours where we rode out to a spot called "Hell's Gate". There we all jumped in the water for a swim. Well, everyone except for Sage. She was not real happy about the boat at all! As soon as we got on she started telling us she didn't want to go. The rocking was making her sick. It didn't make me feel that way until we had been off of the boat for a few hours.

I can't wait to share pictures! I have never seen an elevator in the side of a cliff that takes you from your house down to the lake until yesterday. As Kaitlan says, it was "tooool"!, or cool for anyone who doesn't speak toddler.

I've been so proud of myself for making sure everyone has their sunblock on. I usually underestimate the power of that big fire ball in the sky and it's effect on our near-transparent skin! The only thing that seems to have been looked over is Sage's scalp.

Now I think we're going to go on a hike.

Catch y'all later!

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