I almost feel as though am about to have a panic attack.
This is tough.
I am sure I've made the right decision, but I am still so apprehensive.
I feel like a fool sitting here crying over whether or not I am doing the right thing. I am though... right?
I definitely don't take my children's education lightly and that is why I decided to home school them. I would never down the public school system even with all of its flaws, but last year was a difficult one for us. I was tired of hearing my son tell me that he can't. It was hard to see my daughter struggle at something that I know she can excel at.
We start school in three days and I feel so unprepared as sit making our first weeks lesson plans. I know that I have put a lot of thought into home schooling. I thought about it for over a year before I decided for sure to do it. I really believe that we can do this and that my kids will be better off.
Then why do I feel like this?!?
I think the other issues in our life are contributing to this feeling. Money matters. Talk of moving. Talk of fixing up our house in order to sell. Would anyone even buy our house? Wanting to start my own business on top of it all. It is something I really want to do and know I can do, but is it the right time?
I'll be praying for insight and doing what I have to do in the meantime.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
Say Whaaat?!
14 years ago